The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) is making every effort to ensure that the information available on our website is accessible to all. However, this is an ongoing process, and it is possible that some users may encounter problems accessing some pages.
If you would like additional help or you use special adaptive equipment to access the Web and encounter problems when using our site, please let us know by writing to: [email protected], and we will try to provide the information to you in a suitable format. It would be helpful if you could be as specific as possible when describing the information you seek.
PDFs posted to our site are checked for accessibility and usability. However, for users that currently have problems seeing alt tags of images or have issues completing forms, please first save the PDF to your desktop. If you do not have the full version of Adobe Acrobat, please use Adobe Acrobat free Reader to open the PDF document. For those with assistive technology, such as screen readers, please follow the directions carefully when opening either of these Adobe Acrobat versions for the first time. This will establish them to run correctly with Adobe’s accessibility features and as a result; PDFs will perform better within the browser.
For NIH employees who need assistance with accessibility, please contact the equal employment opportunity officer in your Institute.
To learn more about the regulations governing the accessibility of Federal electronic information products, visit the United States Access Board or the official Section 508 pages.